Category: The Arts

  • Macro Shots

    No crop. 100% zoom. With a macro lens and little practice, this sort of shot isn’t too tough, but it is a lot of fun chasing bugs and getting in on flowers. It’s a whole other world, that is very rewarding to explore.

  • An interesting Phone call

    I just sold my sister-in-law’s camera on EBay yesterday, and today I got an interesting phone call about it. Since I am a photographer, my sister-in-law figured I would be able to describe the camera and answer questions better, and hence sell it for more. If you have sold stuff on the that auction site,…

  • Time

    It has been 10 years to the month since I last worked a nine-to-five job and sat in a cubical day in and day out. It seems like it was only a few years ago, yet it is starting to fade. It was such a pinnacle moment in my life. It scares me to know…

  • Looking Up

    A self portrait, after not doing self portraits for quite a while.

  • “It’s The Shinning, Boy!”

    While digging through a pile of canvases and old paintings of mine, I found this one. I had a period in my early 20’s where I explored different forms of expression. The canvas already had some paint on it when I got it as a twenty-something year old. I added my own ideas to it,…

  • Some Art finally, but the end…

    I am finally getting down to the dregs of what was once my studio at SJSU. There are so many little odds and ends that go into making a body of work, that when its time to clean it all out, inevitably there is a lot of tossing and stirred up emotions. I still had…

  • The Salinas Project

    Here’s the project I’ve been working on with film maker and educator Carolyn E. Brown of American University in Washington DC. It’s been a monumental task for her flying out here uncovering the story for us to shoot, and its far from done, but I wanted to show a little glimpse of what’s in the…

  • The new member of the household – shoot 2

    The little chick hatched and the mother is hard at work. I took about 30 minutes to get this, then left them alone. Nice to meditate on nature and its raw beauty. Also, nice to capture a little keepsake of it, and nicer yet to know my yard harbors new life this spring. Technical note:…

  • Trips from 1996 – some old negs

    I found these negatives at my parents house over the weekend. I thought they had been lost through time. There are 3+ rolls from my high school graduation through my first year of college. These were from a trip to NYC for my spring break. Most of the images in the negatives are snapshots of…

  • MLK, OBL, and a piece called “Night and Dark”

    I painting this diptic over ten years ago when I was just out of undergrad. I had had a hidden life as an oil painter during my science studies, and these were two of the only four I completed after school. Eventually, I got around to showing these as a grad student in a show…