Tag: Vegetarian

  • Loquat (A.K.A. Nispero) jam

    This last winter was a particularly warm one, and though my apple tree and pear trees are barely scratching out fruit and staving off disease, the loquat tree went gang busters with fruit. The combination of weather, dispatched rats, cats keeping the rodents away, and a neighbor with a BB gun has produced a bumper…

  • I guess I was wrong about Hot Dogs…

    When I posted about hot dogs in my vegetarian posts I kinda made an exaggerated claim (surprise!) about people who like hot dogs not eating vegetables. This month’s issue of Sierra, as if to smack down obnoxious bloggers, has an interview with Natalie Coughlin. In it she says, Also, my guilty pleasure is a really…

  • Vegetarianism – Notes

    Since I started writing these posts on vegetarianism, I have been asked again “why [am I] a vegetarian,” asked if I “am still a vegetarian,” asked for advice about diets because I am an “expert,” agreed with, disagreed with, and generally been put at the center of some weird conversations about meat and food. I…

  • Vegetarianism – Part 3

    To open this part, I have to admit defeat, and I have to confess that my vegetarianism was giving me problems even as I wrote part 2. I didn’t fail because I gave in to eating meat, though as I am sure many vegetarians do I did eat meat products several times by accident to…

  • Vegetarianism – Part 2b

    While writing part 3, I came across this article, “22 Reasons Not to Become a Vegetarian.” If you are interested in this topic please read it, but with a cynical eye. I did, and it bothered me. The article didn’t bother me because it is anti-vegetarian, but because it is so misleading and cynically put…

  • Vegetarianism – Part 2

    I made some big claims in Part 1, and caught your attention I hope. In this second part, I am going to discuss some of the sticking points you may have had with my logic in part one. Then, I will address the anti-vegetarian arguments I’ve heard these last months, debunk them, and finally point…

  • Vegetarianism – Part 1

    I didn’t think I would have to explain my choice to be a vegetarian living in California, but over the last several months, I have actually been confronted several times about it. And oddly, I had little defense in those moments. I didn’t responded well, partly, because I hadn’t sorted out all my own reasons…