Travels Through the West

Last week my family and I drove about 1500 miles through a big chunk of the Southwest. I like driving. It lets me think with few distractions. There is no screen, keyboard, or much else except good company to pull me from a focused conversation, or line of thought. It can be a test of focus and stamina, though, even if it is welcomed.

This trip was definitely a test, but I enjoyed it. I thought often about so many of the topics that I post here on this website. Food flowed in and out of my thoughts, of course, but I also had some ideas on energy, transportation and living in the desert. As always, Las Vegas depressed me, but there was also a lot of interesting sites on the road. The next few posts (with pictures) will delve into some of my road inspired thoughts.

This time, instead of writing extended manifestos that strain even the most committed reader, I will break things up by topic and length. I will also attempt to move my posts toward the Multi Medium Art that the title of the site implies. It’s been a long time coming, and now that I am a year out of grad school, I will start developing some discourse around all that education of mine (Remember I also have a B.S. in physics, so lets see if I can sneak some of that in here, too).

Catch you later with some short writings and fun posts.






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