Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • October is a Good Month

    This is a pumpkin from my garden. It’s one of the best I’ve grown. October is a great and odd time of year in California. It is a time when some of the trees drop their leaves as is traditional in the Fall, but others are just getting geared up to produce their crops. It’s…

  • A spike in renovation

    While renovating a small part of one of our buildings (the office out back) I ran into this while digging. What do you suppose it is? Obviously its a 10 inch steel spike, but the configuration is fairly odd. Working on this old house is always fun, cause I never know what I am going…

  • Bike Party San Jose

    Here are a couple of video stills from last night. It was my first experience riding in the San Jose Bike Party. I rode out from my place to El Camino, and after a minute was joined by a dozen people heading there. When I got to the parking lot, where the ride was to…

  • Comic Books

    At one point in my life I wanted to be a comic book artist. I know I used to draw a lot, but I’ve never really bothered keep track of what I drew or when. Now that I see this old sketch book my mom found, I remember drawing all this, and all the hopes…

  • Music and Memories

    I just heard a song from Nirvana on that internet music site, and it brought back a few memories of the first time I heard them. This will definitely date me, as does most musical preferences for people, but maybe you’ll relate. I was a Sophomore in high school and one of my friends let…

  • Reclaimed Wood Stool

    I’ve been working on this for a while. It’s gone through three iterations, and then the long process of finishing it. The base is Douglas Fir 4×4’s and 4×6’s (even with hidden nails that killed my jointer blades.) The top is White Oak with Claro Walnut tenons. The finish on the bottom is a dark…

  • Time

    It has been 10 years to the month since I last worked a nine-to-five job and sat in a cubical day in and day out. It seems like it was only a few years ago, yet it is starting to fade. It was such a pinnacle moment in my life. It scares me to know…

  • The Game of Cars

    My wife, son, and I have gotten into the habit of playing all sorts of road-trip games when we get into the car, even when we are just going to the market. My son really likes vehicles of all shapes and sizes, and for the last couple years, no matter how hard we try to…

  • Towel Rack

    I thought this was cute of us. Its a thrift store enamel strainer turned into a small and interesting towel rack. Handles will also be good to hang hangers, and the whole thing will hang dry big towels well.

  • A crazy idea…

    Social liberals have been pushing for same-sex marriage and for overturning Citizens United, (corporations are people) for quite a while now, without a whole lot of success. I had an idea that would turn everything on its head, and address many of the issues with these stances. What if, instead of awarding inclusive rights to…

Got any book recommendations?