Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Vegetarianism – Part 3

    To open this part, I have to admit defeat, and I have to confess that my vegetarianism was giving me problems even as I wrote part 2. I didn’t fail because I gave in to eating meat, though as I am sure many vegetarians do I did eat meat products several times by accident to…

  • Environmental Impact of Foods

    Per ton of product, animal products generally have a larger water footprint than crop products. The same is true when we look at the water footprint per calorie. The average water footprint per calorie for beef is twenty times larger than for cereals and starchy roots. When we look at the water requirements for protein,…

  • Vegetarianism – Part 2b

    While writing part 3, I came across this article, “22 Reasons Not to Become a Vegetarian.” If you are interested in this topic please read it, but with a cynical eye. I did, and it bothered me. The article didn’t bother me because it is anti-vegetarian, but because it is so misleading and cynically put…

  • The End of the Nest

    The true end of a nest is when it falls and withers away never to be seen again. The hummingbird nest that was home to our little neighbors fell a week or so ago, and I just managed to document it before it fell apart. It is amazing how well put together it is. A…

  • “A Persistent Drip” – 4 years ago

    From 4 years ago. How time flies, and mountains remain. Zen wisdom is difficult: I’ve been in a philosophical mood lately; probably because of the approaching life events, and other big tides, but my trains of thought seem to be manifesting themselves in grand ways. What I have been working on in those passing moments…

  • Vegetarianism – Part 2

    I made some big claims in Part 1, and caught your attention I hope. In this second part, I am going to discuss some of the sticking points you may have had with my logic in part one. Then, I will address the anti-vegetarian arguments I’ve heard these last months, debunk them, and finally point…

  • Vegetarianism – Part 1

    I didn’t think I would have to explain my choice to be a vegetarian living in California, but over the last several months, I have actually been confronted several times about it. And oddly, I had little defense in those moments. I didn’t responded well, partly, because I hadn’t sorted out all my own reasons…

  • Give me your best jargon.

    I’m compiling a list of jargon that represent fundamental ideas about different fields. You have any? Please give the word – short definition and where it is used. For example: Hamiltonian is the operator corresponding to the total energy of the system – Quantum Mechanics. Leader is the piece of intermediate light material that attaches…

  • Empty Nest

    These are the last pictures of the visiting hummingbird family. A minute after I got out there, the mother flew over and landed near by and started calling to the chicks. The chicks were straining to see her, and finally a moment ofter my last snap I moved and they all flew off to a…

  • Flea Market Negatives

    Flea Market finds. Two sorta interesting negatives in a box of old family photos. Neat little view of an other time, even  if it’s not the most breathtaking treasure.

Got any book recommendations?