Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Hippy Dinner

    In case there was any doubt about my domestic hippitude, today’s dinner started with these 100% organic, whole wheat, vegetarian pot-stickers, then culminated in all organic wild  and brown rice with mung beans and veggie stir fry. A few of the ingredients were from the garden, many form the farmers market, and it was all…

  • The Salinas Project

    Here’s the project I’ve been working on with film maker and educator Carolyn E. Brown of American University in Washington DC. It’s been a monumental task for her flying out here uncovering the story for us to shoot, and its far from done, but I wanted to show a little glimpse of what’s in the…

  • Jade doughnut from the backyard

      I mentioned that I found a jade doughnut in the garden in a previous post. I finally found it and snapped off a picture. What do you think? Ancient, rare artifact? Or kids pendent lost to play and adventure in the yard? It could even be a relic of the generations of pack rats…

  • The new member of the household – shoot 2

    The little chick hatched and the mother is hard at work. I took about 30 minutes to get this, then left them alone. Nice to meditate on nature and its raw beauty. Also, nice to capture a little keepsake of it, and nicer yet to know my yard harbors new life this spring. Technical note:…

  • Trips from 1996 – some old negs

    I found these negatives at my parents house over the weekend. I thought they had been lost through time. There are 3+ rolls from my high school graduation through my first year of college. These were from a trip to NYC for my spring break. Most of the images in the negatives are snapshots of…

  • Compost – Part 3

    In part 1 and 2 of my compost series I talked about building a compost pile, and finding a balance in so doing. In part 3, I’ll go over what I get from it, and hopefully transcend ideas of dirt and decomposition. Obviously, my compost heap makes soil out of all the organic scraps and…

  • Photo shoot with a visitor.

    I had a photo shoot today with a new resident of the house. She did very well for her first shoot. She’s an Ana’s Hummingbird; common to the area, and is sitting on one little egg according to my son. I couldn’t see in, so I lifted him up and he reported down to me…

  • More Perspective

    Sometimes I forget that my perspective has changed over the years, and I forget to check where I am. My son does a great job reminding me to do that.

  • MLK, OBL, and a piece called “Night and Dark”

    I painting this diptic over ten years ago when I was just out of undergrad. I had had a hidden life as an oil painter during my science studies, and these were two of the only four I completed after school. Eventually, I got around to showing these as a grad student in a show…

  • Bike Sharing at De Anza College, Heck Yeah!

    Has anyone seen this? I was out there last Saturday for the flea market, and was walking by. I stopped to tie my shoes, and then looked up to see the sign and yellow bikes. I was a little in shock. I didn’t think there were any progressive schools left in California that had money…

Got any book recommendations?